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Showing posts from May, 2021

Streaming might not be the answer

 As churches continue to wrestle with life as we (in the UK at least) move forward, looking beyond the Covid-19 pandemic, much of the narrative I hear still seems to be focused on returning to patterns not unlike life before March 2020. There is still much use of "going back" language, and for many leaders a desire to return to full rooms, or the nearest equivalent as soon as we can. Maybe because that feels like a form of validation, maybe because it is what we know. Linked to that is the rush to move in to streaming, acknowledging that not everyone will return, at least immediately, "in person". But I'm not sure streaming is the answer. To do it well is costly, both in terms of tech and equipment and people resources. I have seen too many poor quality streamed services! Plus it fails to recognise that what works for an online audience may not be the same as what works for those in the room. The danger is that those in the room end up watching what is effective...